Kool Kat

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Kool Kat

Postby cbender on 02 Dec 2008, 14:54

Is there anyone left out there who has actually operated/worked on this cat from Miller W. Weeder Co. out of Nebraska? My old ski area in New Mexico had one when I was there in the late 70's.
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Curt Bender

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Re: Kool Kat

Postby Rchristian on 04 Jan 2009, 21:46

Wasn't that the cat from The Shining?
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Re: Kool Kat

Postby Rchristian on 04 Jan 2009, 21:56

Sorry, That was a Thiokol, wasn't it? My Bad!!!!
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Re: Kool Kat

Postby bezerk1 on 06 Jan 2009, 16:14

We have one that we currently operate on our mountain. It has a cherry picker on top for working on lights. It's a wicked thing to drive, more like a dozer than a groomer. The cab roof is on hinges and can open up like a convertible. Also it has hydraulic track tension adjusters. Ahead of its time if you ask me.
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Re: Kool Kat

Postby krooner33 on 06 Oct 2009, 17:41

hi there, my friends and i are the proud new owners of a kool kat and we're looking for as much info as we can on them. we've only had it a couple days and it needs some work but it's structurally sound as far as we can tell. it needs new tires all around and it has a leak from either the right side drive motor or the final drive i'm not sure yet. i'll keep you all up to date as our work continues. Derek
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