Tiller 2000 question

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Tiller 2000 question

Postby Kirill on 11 Aug 2011, 07:38

I have a strange effect with my PB210DR's small cylinder on the tiller. I can retract and extract it by moving rear stinger with pushed button right and left. But the cilinder does not hold the tiller load- it fully retracts.
First of all I thougt that it is defective. But I looked at the hydraulic schema (fortunately it is in operating manual- the only book I have) and I was very surprised.... Both parts of the cilinder by means of special block are connected with the sink line!! So the cilinder can move while the stinger is moved to appropriate direction but can not hold any load without stinger.
How should I use it to adjust dept of the tiller shaft?????
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Joined: 01 Aug 2011, 03:37

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