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Postby jeffb on 06 Jan 2015, 12:22

Hi all need some advise we run a BR350 and PB Edge with tillers on our snowmobile trails on the Coquihalla we have been grooming the trails for 3 weeks now in the last 24hr we got 1ft at base at 2 ft up top at -10c in the last 10 hrs it warmed up to plus 2c and rained and we lost over 1ft at the base we have to groom in the next day or two what is the best approach we don't want to destroy the snow for when the temp drops to sub zero again latter this week
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Postby ward-o on 24 Jan 2015, 18:53

Here in the great pacific northwest we deal with this issue all the time. that being said there really is no magic bullet. as all operators eventually realize, you have to watch the weather. timing here is everything. too early and you may end up sinking in and destroying the base by pulling up mud with ur tracks, go out too late and your blading and tilling just to scratch the surface because now its re-frozen rock hard. danged if u do,danged if u don't.
As a suggestion, give a single short test drive and see what happens.try going slow, and also in good areas see if going faster helps if u feel its making it worse ,get off it. and u can at least let them see u gave it a try. but limit the damage if ya can, remember if it freezes in? it maybe there all season. good conditions will eventually return.
your Br-350 is probably slightly lighter than the pb edge and its a bit less aggressive a tiller as well. so being softer snow might be a better choice. limit aggressive turns where you are sliding the tracks and use a lot of experimenting on tiller adjustments until u find the "sweet spot",usually in as slow and shallow a setting, using up pressure on downhills, that leaves good cordueroy, then leave it there. if its for-casted to stay warm you may want to be patient and just wait it out. best of luck
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Postby Finlay on 10 May 2015, 00:04

Your BR350 is surely the best groomer in town but when it comes to snow and cold weather, timing and luck are quite important in getting the right touch. Get sure to catch the weather forecast to hit the click on the snow before it get’s to soft or frozen to groom. Experience on your side will give the eye to do your stuff without making a mess, there’s nothing more to say…

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Postby admin on 10 May 2015, 22:39

Finlay wrote:Your BR350 is surely the best groomer in town but when it comes to snow and cold weather, timing and luck are quite important in getting the right touch. Get sure to catch the weather forecast to hit the click on the snow before it get’s to soft or frozen to groom. Experience on your side will give the eye to do your stuff without making a mess, there’s nothing more to say…

Go away, clever spammer. Mistake 1) Blatant advertising link in post regarding pet grooming. Mistake 2) you registered at another forum that I used to run and did the same thing. But I'll give you credit... you looked more legit than most. Now move along to forums run by more gullible folk.
Patrick Torsell
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Postby Yukon on 13 May 2015, 06:24

admin wrote:
Go away, clever spammer. Mistake 1) Blatant advertising link in post regarding pet grooming. Mistake 2) you registered at another forum that I used to run and did the same thing. But I'll give you credit... you looked more legit than most. Now move along to forums run by more gullible folk.

Nice catch! I'm an admin on another forum and these guys can be crafty sometimes :lol:
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