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BR/PR 350

PostPosted: 15 May 2010, 22:08
does anyone know what prinoth's plan is with the 350's? will they keep them along with the bison? or quite making 350's and just have bison's?

Re: BR/PR 350

PostPosted: 16 May 2010, 21:43
by troutriver
I get the impression the 350 will remain a bit longer depending what the customers are asking for, at least just to offer a "different" product than the Bison at a different price point. Just like the PB400 vs 600. I think this is what the progression will be-The current 350/center cab Bison offering, then all Bison/Beast with the option of center or left side drive with the Beast cabin being the one used on both models. One thing I would bet on-there will only be one cabin eventually and you order it left or center setup. It makes no sense as a factory to make two cabins as they try to keep pricing competitive, etc.